Hello there! My name is Bri and this my clipart site. I make all of my clipart specifically for teachers but it is also available to others. KPM clipart inspired me to start making my own clipart by seeing how fun and useful her clipart could be. I am a full time kindergarten teacher and am always looking for clipart to go along with my lesson plans. For examples of my lesson plans go to: theartofteachingut.blogspot.com.

My goal is to create fun and affordable clipart for teachers, so all of you teachers out there please let me know what kind of clipart you are looking for. This is for you!

Terms of use:
My clipart can be used for worksheets, lesson plans, and other digital items to share and SELL on sites such as Tpt, Teachers Notebook, and Esty. However, please do not sell my individual clipart as PDFs, PNGs, or JPGs. Use them to create your own works of art and you are free to share and sell them as you like, but not as individual clipart.

When you purchase my clip art it is a single user license, please do not share my clip art with others, resell it or claim it as your own.

Please give me credit and have a link to my blog, but other than that have fun, enjoy, and CREATE!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Teachers Notebook Account Is UP!!!!

It's up and running my friends! My new Teachers Notebook account. You just go to teachersnotebook.com click on artists, go to the second page and there I am: TAT Clipart! I only have two items up right now, but should have my Money Combo Pack up by tonight. Right now, I have a 100th Day of School Combo Pack and a Groundhog Day Combo Pack. Let me know what you think about them and also what else you are looking for!!!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Coming Soon

I am still working on getting my Teachers' Notebook account up and running but as soon as I do I will let you know. In the meantime, Happy Teaching First was asking for some money clipart that they could use and sell with a math unit. I've made some sample ones (the front and back of a penny in color and black & white) and I've attached them here. You are welcome to click on them and use them as you like. Let me know what you think about them. As soon as I get the rest made I'll add them to my Teacher's Notebook account.